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RIL CA Frequently Asked Questions.
1.What is RIL CA and what is its objective
 RIL CA is an Enterprise Certification Authority that issues digital certificates. The objective of this Reliance CA is to deploy and maintain an Internal Pubic Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the entire Reliance group which will manage the X.509 certificates to be issued to various Information systems and individuals as per the CPS (Certificate Practice Statement).
2.For what purpose certificates are issued by RIL CA
  Broadly Certificates are issued for the following purposes
I. Webserver certificate for server authentications
II. Client certificate for client authentication
III. Encryption certificate for encrypting the communication
3.Can this certificate be issued for public facing website
 Yes, the certificates issued by RIL CA can be used for public facing websites. But if the RIL Root CA & RIL Sub CA certificates are not available on the client devices/ browser of the user, then user will get a message/pop up, that the certificate is not trusted. So as an one time effort- the RIL CA root certificate needs to be loaded into the users system
4.From where RIL CA root certificates can be downloaded
  RILCA root certificate and RIL sub CA certificates can be downloaded from the internet site which is publicly available
For Downloading Root CA click on the link: Download RIL ROOT CA Certificate (DER)
For Downloading Root Enterprise Sub CA click on the link: Download RIL SUB Enterprise CA Certificate (DER)
For Installation of the certificates refer the step by step guide from the document RootCA_SubCA_Certificate Installation Guide.pdf
5.Under what conditions certificates are revoked
  Certificates are revoked for any of the following reasons:
An unauthorized user has gained access to the private key of the certificate.
An unauthorized user has gained access to the CA. In this case, all the certificates that the CA has published will be revoked and reissued.
Certificate criteria have changed; for example, an employee has moved to a different department.
The certificate has been superseded. For example, you might decide to use a different encryption protocol or a longer key.
The CA that issued the certificate is no longer operating.
The Subscriber requested for the revocation.
6.How often CRL (Certification Revocation List) is published
  Root RIL CA CRL: Published Annually
Sub RIL CA Full CRL: Every 14 days
Sub RIL CA Delta CRL (This is incremental CRL): Daily
7.Does RILCA has cross certification with other CAs
 Currently we have no cross certification with any other certification authority.
8.Who should we contact for any user level issues on RIL CA certificate usage
 For any certificate related issues contact